Kuratierter Traum (Curated dream), objects on display, watercolor on wall, exhibition view Städtische Galerie Bremen, 2018. Cooperation with Susanne Weiß
[:en][:]Kuratierter Traum (Curated dream), objects on display, watercolor on wall, exhibition view Städtische Galerie Bremen, 2018. Cooperation with Susanne Weiß
Exhibition view, Städtische Galerie Bremen, watercolor on wall, 2018
[:en][:]Glasses, forged iron, glass, 70x70x30 cm, 2018
[:en][:]Ausgestellte Arbeit (Work on Display), exhibition view, Syker Vorwerk, Syke, 2018
[:en][:]Australian Raven (FLUTE), 2010
[:en][:]Ausgestellte Arbeit (Work on Display), Obrońców Stalingradu 17, Szczecin, 2017
[:en][:]Ausgestellte Arbeit (Work on Display), Obrońców Stalingradu 17, Szczecin, 2017
[:en][:]Ausgestellte Arbeit (Work on Display), Heidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelberg, 2015
[:en][:]Ausgestellte Arbeit (Work on Display), Heidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelberg, 2015
[:en][:]Ausgestellte Arbeit (Work on Display), Heidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelberg, 2015
[:en][:]Ausgestellte Arbeit (Replik) (Work on Display (Replica)), Jahresgabe Heidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelberg, 2015
[:en][:]Während die Walnuss Zeit mit dem Menschen verbrachte, wuchs ihre Frucht, und ihre Schale wurde dünner (While the walnut was spending time with human beings, the nut itself grew bigger while the shell got thinner), dyed wool fabric (walnut shells), cupboard made of walnut, 2014
[:en][:]Die Tage sind lang, die Nächte kalt (The days are long, the nights are cold), 2014, dyed wool fabric (St. Johns wort), 2 pcs.
[:en][:]Gestauchter Spross (Compacted Sprout), 2014, 24 handkerchiefs, dyed cotton (onion skin)
[:en][:]Tisch (Selbstporträt) (Table (self-portrait)), 2014
[:en][:]Mat plant (Matte Pflanze), 2014 / 2015, series of 12, water color on paper, each 70x100 cm
[:en][:]Aus der Serie Erdkarussell, Mecklenburgisches Künstlerhaus Schloss Plüschow, 2015
[:en][:]Stabsichelbogen (Bar Crescent Arc), HD- Video, 19 min, 2014
[:en][:]50,000 (Table), watercolor on cotton paper, 600 x 60 cm, 2014
Erdkarussell (Earth Carousel), 2014, 158 Dia Slides & 158 drawings, watercolor on paper, 42 x 29,7 cm
strong, professional, extra, 2014, 24 x 11 x 7 cm, foam, watercolor on gypsum
[:en][:]Ronde (Blank), 2011, exhibition view KW Berlin 2011
[:en][:]Closed Systems/ Ronde (Blank), 2011, exhibition view KW Berlin 2011
[:en][:]Closed Systems, 2011, exhibition view KW Berlin 2011, Prototype display case, 260x140x80 cm, Donation of the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBR), Berlin, exhibit: Iron crank designed for opening and closing the display; Design: Michele De Lucchi, Milan
[:en][:]Closed Systems, 2011, exhibition view KW Berlin 2011, Prototype display case, 260x140x80 cm, Donation of the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBR), Berlin, exhibit: Iron crank designed for opening and closing the display; Design: Michele De Lucchi, Milan
[:en][:]5000 to 50000, watercolor on cotton paper, 50 x 90 cm, 2011
[:en][:]5000 to 50000, watercolor on cotton paper, 50 x 90 cm, 2011
[:en][:]5000 to 50000, 2011/13, exhibition view, Berlin 2013, water color on cotton paper, 520x 92 cm, 10 pcs. 50x 90 cm each
[:en][:]5000 to 50000, 2011/13, exhibition view, Berlin 2013, water color on cotton paper, 520x 92 cm, 10 pcs. 50x 90 cm each
[:en][:]50,000 (Separation), 2013, watercolor on cotton paper, 60 x 80 cm
[:en][:]50,000 (Separation), 2013, watercolor on cotton paper, 60 x 80 cm
[:en][:]46 fragments from Belarusian 100 Ruble bills, watercolor on paper, exhibition view, 4D, Berlin, 2011
[:en][:]46 fragments from Belarusian 100 Ruble bills, watercolor on paper, exhibition view, 4D, Berlin, 2011
[:en][:]46 fragments from Belarusian 100 Ruble bills, exhibition view, 4D, Berlin, 2011
[:en][:]Der geöffnete Holzfußboden des Otaheitischen Kabinetts auf der Pfaueninsel bei Berlin, nach einem Foto des Restaurators J. Messing (The opened wood floor of the Otaheite Cabinet on the Pfaueninsel, near Berlin, based on a photograph by the restorer J. Messing), colored pencil on paper, 2009, Drawing based on a photograph
[:en][:]Die handgemalte Tapete des Otaheitischen Kabinetts auf der Pfaueninsel bei Berlin (The hand-painted wallpaper of the Otaheite Cabinet on the Pfaueninsel, near Berlin), colored pencil on paper, 2009/2014, Drawing based on a photograph
[:en][:]Der Holzfußboden des Otaheitischen Kabinetts auf der Pfaueninsel bei Berlin, Querschnitt durch einen Palmenstamm (The wood floor of the Otaheite Cabinet on the Pfaueninsel, near Berlin, cross section of a palm trunk), colored pencil on paper, 2009, Drawing based on a photograph
[:en][:]Monotony and Change (It All Belongs to You), 2010, SPLACE, Panoramastr.1, Berlin & in front of 'Haus der Statistik', Berlin (Otto-Braun-Str./ Karl-Marx-Allee, Alexanderplatz), © Photo/ Video: Patricia Lewandowska
[:en][:]Monotony and Change (It All Belongs to You), 2010, SPLACE, Berlin
[:en][:]Monotony and Change (It All Belongs to You), 2010, SPLACE, Berlin
[:en][:]Monotony and Change (It All Belongs to You), 2010, SPLACE, Berlin
[:en][:]Monotony and Change (It All Belongs to You), 2010, SPLACE, Berlin
[:en][:]Monotony and Change (It All Belongs to You), 2010, SPLACE, Berlin
[:en][:]Four wool blankets, folded (blue), Four wool blankets, folded (green) , 2009, View of the exhibition in the Columbus Art Foundation, Leipzig, 2009, © Photo: Werner Hannappel
[:en][:]Collection of one hundred wool blankets, 2007
[:en][:]Kuratierter Traum (Curated dream), objects on display, watercolor on wall, exhibition view Städtische Galerie Bremen, 2018. Cooperation with Susanne Weiß
[:en][:]Kuratierter Traum (Curated dream), objects on display, watercolor on wall, exhibition view Städtische Galerie Bremen, 2018. Cooperation with Susanne Weiß
Exhibition view, Städtische Galerie Bremen, watercolor on wall, 2018
[:en][:]Glasses, forged iron, glass, 70x70x30 cm, 2018
[:en][:]Ausgestellte Arbeit (Work on Display), exhibition view, Syker Vorwerk, Syke, 2018
[:en][:]Australian Raven (FLUTE), 2010
[:en][:]Ausgestellte Arbeit (Work on Display), Obrońców Stalingradu 17, Szczecin, 2017
[:en][:]Ausgestellte Arbeit (Work on Display), Obrońców Stalingradu 17, Szczecin, 2017
[:en][:]Ausgestellte Arbeit (Work on Display), Heidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelberg, 2015
[:en][:]Ausgestellte Arbeit (Work on Display), Heidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelberg, 2015
[:en][:]Ausgestellte Arbeit (Work on Display), Heidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelberg, 2015
[:en][:]Ausgestellte Arbeit (Replik) (Work on Display (Replica)), Jahresgabe Heidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelberg, 2015
[:en][:]Während die Walnuss Zeit mit dem Menschen verbrachte, wuchs ihre Frucht, und ihre Schale wurde dünner (While the walnut was spending time with human beings, the nut itself grew bigger while the shell got thinner), dyed wool fabric (walnut shells), cupboard made of walnut, 2014
[:en][:]Die Tage sind lang, die Nächte kalt (The days are long, the nights are cold), 2014, dyed wool fabric (St. Johns wort), 2 pcs.
[:en][:]Gestauchter Spross (Compacted Sprout), 2014, 24 handkerchiefs, dyed cotton (onion skin)
[:en][:]Tisch (Selbstporträt) (Table (self-portrait)), 2014
[:en][:]Mat plant (Matte Pflanze), 2014 / 2015, series of 12, water color on paper, each 70x100 cm
[:en][:]Aus der Serie Erdkarussell, Mecklenburgisches Künstlerhaus Schloss Plüschow, 2015
[:en][:]Stabsichelbogen (Bar Crescent Arc), HD- Video, 19 min, 2014
[:en][:]50,000 (Table), watercolor on cotton paper, 600 x 60 cm, 2014
Erdkarussell (Earth Carousel), 2014, 158 Dia Slides & 158 drawings, watercolor on paper, 42 x 29,7 cm
strong, professional, extra, 2014, 24 x 11 x 7 cm, foam, watercolor on gypsum
[:en][:]Ronde (Blank), 2011, exhibition view KW Berlin 2011
[:en][:]Closed Systems/ Ronde (Blank), 2011, exhibition view KW Berlin 2011
[:en][:]Closed Systems, 2011, exhibition view KW Berlin 2011, Prototype display case, 260x140x80 cm, Donation of the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBR), Berlin, exhibit: Iron crank designed for opening and closing the display; Design: Michele De Lucchi, Milan
[:en][:]Closed Systems, 2011, exhibition view KW Berlin 2011, Prototype display case, 260x140x80 cm, Donation of the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBR), Berlin, exhibit: Iron crank designed for opening and closing the display; Design: Michele De Lucchi, Milan
[:en][:]5000 to 50000, watercolor on cotton paper, 50 x 90 cm, 2011
[:en][:]5000 to 50000, watercolor on cotton paper, 50 x 90 cm, 2011
[:en][:]5000 to 50000, 2011/13, exhibition view, Berlin 2013, water color on cotton paper, 520x 92 cm, 10 pcs. 50x 90 cm each
[:en][:]5000 to 50000, 2011/13, exhibition view, Berlin 2013, water color on cotton paper, 520x 92 cm, 10 pcs. 50x 90 cm each
[:en][:]50,000 (Separation), 2013, watercolor on cotton paper, 60 x 80 cm
[:en][:]50,000 (Separation), 2013, watercolor on cotton paper, 60 x 80 cm
[:en][:]46 fragments from Belarusian 100 Ruble bills, watercolor on paper, exhibition view, 4D, Berlin, 2011
[:en][:]46 fragments from Belarusian 100 Ruble bills, watercolor on paper, exhibition view, 4D, Berlin, 2011
[:en][:]46 fragments from Belarusian 100 Ruble bills, exhibition view, 4D, Berlin, 2011
[:en][:]Der geöffnete Holzfußboden des Otaheitischen Kabinetts auf der Pfaueninsel bei Berlin, nach einem Foto des Restaurators J. Messing (The opened wood floor of the Otaheite Cabinet on the Pfaueninsel, near Berlin, based on a photograph by the restorer J. Messing), colored pencil on paper, 2009, Drawing based on a photograph
[:en][:]Die handgemalte Tapete des Otaheitischen Kabinetts auf der Pfaueninsel bei Berlin (The hand-painted wallpaper of the Otaheite Cabinet on the Pfaueninsel, near Berlin), colored pencil on paper, 2009/2014, Drawing based on a photograph
[:en][:]Der Holzfußboden des Otaheitischen Kabinetts auf der Pfaueninsel bei Berlin, Querschnitt durch einen Palmenstamm (The wood floor of the Otaheite Cabinet on the Pfaueninsel, near Berlin, cross section of a palm trunk), colored pencil on paper, 2009, Drawing based on a photograph
[:en][:]Monotony and Change (It All Belongs to You), 2010, SPLACE, Panoramastr.1, Berlin & in front of 'Haus der Statistik', Berlin (Otto-Braun-Str./ Karl-Marx-Allee, Alexanderplatz), © Photo/ Video: Patricia Lewandowska
[:en][:]Monotony and Change (It All Belongs to You), 2010, SPLACE, Berlin
[:en][:]Monotony and Change (It All Belongs to You), 2010, SPLACE, Berlin
[:en][:]Monotony and Change (It All Belongs to You), 2010, SPLACE, Berlin
[:en][:]Monotony and Change (It All Belongs to You), 2010, SPLACE, Berlin
[:en][:]Monotony and Change (It All Belongs to You), 2010, SPLACE, Berlin
[:en][:]Four wool blankets, folded (blue), Four wool blankets, folded (green) , 2009, View of the exhibition in the Columbus Art Foundation, Leipzig, 2009, © Photo: Werner Hannappel
[:en][:]Collection of one hundred wool blankets, 2007